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Publications: Schedule

Antiretroviral Medication Adherence and Amplified HIV Transmission Risk Among Sexually Active HIV-Infected Individuals in Three Diverse International Settings 

Better antiretroviral central nervous system penetration is not associated with reduced chronic pain in people living with human immunodeficiency virus

BMC Public Health, November 2015

International neurocognitive normative study: neurocognitive comparison data in diverse resource-limited settings: AIDS Clinical Trials Group A5271

The 10-year effectiveness of combination antiretroviral treatment in perinatally HIV-infected children participating in Thailand's National Access Program

Antiviral Therapy, January 2016

The occurrence of Simpson's paradox if site-level effect was ignored in the TREAT Asia HIV Observational Database 

Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, February 2016

Antifungal susceptibility of invasive Candida bloodstream isolates from the Asia-Pacific region

Medical Mycology, February 2016

Final Height and Associated Factors in Perinatally HIV-infected Asian Adolescents

Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, February 2016

Hypovitaminosis D and hyperparathyroidism: Effects on bone turnover and bone mineral density among perinatally HIV-infected adolescents    AIDS, April 2016

Comparison of genotypic and virtual phenotypic drug resistance interpretations with laboratory-based phenotypes among CRF01_AE and subtype B HIV-infected individuals

The safety of tenofovir-emtricitabine for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in individuals with active hepatitis B

Persistently elevated C-reactive protein level in the first year of antiretroviral therapy, despite virologic suppression, is associated with HIV disease progression in resource-constrained settings

Prevalence and Correlates of HIV Testing among Young People Enrolled in Non-Formal Education Centers in Urban Chiang Mai, Thailand: A Cross-Sectional Study

PLOS ONE, April 2016

Vitamin D status in perinatally HIV-infected Thai children receiving antiretroviral therapy

Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism, April 2016

Hypovitaminosis D and hyperparathyroidism: Effects on bone turnover and bone mineral density among perinatally HIV-infected adolescents    

AIDS, April 2016


The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health, May 2016

Antiretroviral Therapy in Severely Malnourished, HIV-infected Children in Asia

Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, May 2016

Community cultural norms, stigma and disclosure to sexual partners among women living with HIV in Thailand, Brazil and Zambia (HPTN 063)

PLoS ONE, May 2016

Cytological anal squamous intraepithelial lesions associated with anal high-risk human papillomavirus infections among men Who have sex with men in northern Thailand

PLoS ONE, May 2016

Effects of unplanned treatment interruptions on HIV treatment failure - results from TAHOD

Tropical Medicine and International Health, May 2016

Inflammation and Change in Body Weight with Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation in a Multinational Cohort of HIV-Infected Adults 

Journal of Infectious Diseases, July 2016

Brief Report: HIV Drug Resistance in Adults Failing Early Antiretroviral Treatment: Results from the HIV Prevention Trials Network 052 Trial

Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, July 2016

Renal dysfunction during tenofovir use in a regional cohort of HIV-infected individuals in the Asia-Pacific

PLoS ONE, August 2016

Renal dysfunction during tenofovir use in a regional cohort of HIV-infected individuals in the Asia-Pacific

PLoS ONE, August 2016

Renal dysfunction during tenofovir use in a regional cohort of HIV-infected individuals in the Asia-Pacific

Antiretroviral therapy for the prevention of HIV-1 transmission  

The New England Journal of Medicine, September 2016

The 10-year effectiveness of combination antiretroviral treatment in perinatally HIV-infected children participating in Thailand's National Access Program

International neurocognitive normative study: neurocognitive comparison data in diverse resource-limited settings: AIDS Clinical Trials Group A5271

Comparison of genotypic and virtual phenotypic drug resistance interpretations with laboratory-based phenotypes among CRF01_AE and subtype B HIV-infected individuals

Methamphetamine use is associated with high levels of depressive symptoms in adolescents and young adults in Rural Chiang Mai Province, Thailand

BMC Public Health, February 2016

The occurrence of Simpson's paradox if site-level effect was ignored in the TREAT Asia HIV Observational Database 

Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, February 2016

Antifungal susceptibility of invasive Candida bloodstream isolates from the Asia-Pacific region

Medical Mycology, February 2016

Final Height and Associated Factors in Perinatally HIV-infected Asian Adolescents

Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, February 2016

The safety of tenofovir-emtricitabine for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in individuals with active hepatitis B

Hypovitaminosis D and hyperparathyroidism: Effects on bone turnover and bone mineral density among perinatally HIV-infected adolescents    

Persistently elevated C-reactive protein level in the first year of antiretroviral therapy, despite virologic suppression, is associated with HIV disease progression in resource-constrained settings

Prevalence and Correlates of HIV Testing among Young People Enrolled in Non-Formal Education Centers in Urban Chiang Mai, Thailand: A Cross-Sectional Study

PLoS ONE, April 2016

Vitamin D status in perinatally HIV-infected Thai children receiving antiretroviral therapy

Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism, April 2016

Effects of unplanned treatment interruptions on HIV treatment failure - results from TAHOD

Tropical Medicine and International Health, May 2016


The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health, May 2016

Antiretroviral Therapy in Severely Malnourished, HIV-infected Children in Asia

Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, May 2016

Community cultural norms, stigma and disclosure to sexual partners among women living with HIV in Thailand, Brazil and Zambia (HPTN 063)

PLoS ONE, May 2016

Cytological anal squamous intraepithelial lesions associated with anal high-risk human papillomavirus infections among men Who have sex with men in northern Thailand

PLoS ONE, May 2016

Inflammation and Change in Body Weight with Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation in a Multinational Cohort of HIV-Infected Adults 

Journal of Infectious Diseases, July 2016

HIV Drug Resistance in Adults Failing Early Antiretroviral Treatment: Results from the HIV Prevention Trials Network 052 Trial   

Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, July 2016

Adverse bone health and abnormal bone turnover among perinatally HIV-infected Asian adolescents with virological suppression

HIV Medicine, August 2016

Renal dysfunction during tenofovir use in a regional cohort of HIV-infected individuals in the Asia-Pacific

PLoS ONE, August 2016

Antiretroviral therapy for the prevention of HIV-1 transmission  

The New England Journal of Medicine, September 2016

Sex-related differences in inflammatory and immune activation markers before and after combined antiretroviral therapy initiation

Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, October 2016

Therapeutic drug monitoring of lopinavir in HIV-infected children on second-line antiretroviral therapy in Asia

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, December 2016

Association of cytologic grade of anal “Pap” smears with viral loads of human papillomavirus types 16, 18, and 52 detected in the same specimens from men who have sex with men

Journal of Clinical Virology, December 2016

Patterns of sexual behavior in lowland Thai youth and ethnic minorities attending high school in rural Chiang Mai, Thailand

PLoS ONE, December 2016

Seroprevalence of antibodies to measles, mumps, and rubella, and serologic responses after vaccination among human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 infected adults in northern thailand

BMC Infectious Diseases, December 2016

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